Sunday, September 20, 2009

Where's da Robin?

So if you are one of my regulars you may have noticed a sharp decrease in my blogging. This is happening for any number of reasons. 1) I over blogged for like 2 months... when i should have saved posts to talk about later on 2) I have a limited attention span that isn't always great for writing and 3) I'm going on life rebound, where I wasn't able to do anything fun for a long period of time and so now i'm doing lots of fun things that take up most of my life.

What sort of fun things, you ask? In no particular order (b/c i got way too frustrated w/ trying to rearrange the pictures):

Lumberjack Championship:

Shriner Parade:

Renaissance Fair:

The Beach (at night):

Happy Hour Clams:
Rock n' Roll Half Marathon (watching, not participating):


Wine tasting and Jazz at the Chrysler Museum:

So there, I've been busy. And this is just what i took pictures of. More updates later. Hope the end of your summer has been busy like mine!

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